Imminent supports organizations dedicated to improving global health, prosperity, and creativity.

Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM has dedicated his life to making life-saving information free and accessible. Most notably, Dr. Greger and his team do this work without ads, corporate sponsorships, or other vested interests that may compromise the integrity of the information provided. They are one of a kind, and help people live longer, healthier lives.

Malaria Consortium

Malaria kills 600,000+ people annually, mostly children under five in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria Consortium administers preventive medicine that saves children’s lives, and runs programs to prevent, control, treat, and ultimately eliminate malaria and other communicable diseases.

The Good Food Institute

Global meat production is destroying the planet, inflicting unnecessary harm, and shortening our lives. The Good Food Institute publishes research and shapes policy to improve the global food system for the planet, people, and animals. Alongside scientists, businesses, and policymakers, GFI is making plant-based and cultivated meat delicious, affordable, and accessible.